Fort Henry National Historic Site: Guardians of History in Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Sentinels of the Past

Perched atop a hill overlooking the scenic city of Kingston, Ontario, Fort Henry National Historic Site stands as an enduring symbol of Canada’s military heritage. This iconic fortification transports visitors to a bygone era, offering a glimpse into the site’s strategic significance and historical importance. Information can be found here.

A Living Monument

Originally built during the 19th century, Fort Henry has been meticulously restored and preserved, allowing visitors to step into the shoes of soldiers and civilians from the past. See here for information about Frontenac County Schools Museum: Preserving Educational Heritage in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

Educational Experiences

Fort Henry goes beyond being a static monument; it’s an educational hub. Interpreters in period uniforms guide visitors through engaging demonstrations, reenactments, and presentations that depict life during the fort’s active years. 

A Glimpse into Military History

Fort Henry is a national historic site that enlightens visitors about Canada’s military history and its importance in shaping the nation. The site’s strategic location, overlooking the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River, underscores its role in safeguarding the region during conflict.

Year-Round Attractions

Fort Henry’s appeal isn’t limited to a single season. In addition to its vibrant summer program, it hosts Winterlude and other seasonal events that showcase its adaptability and dedication to engaging visitors year-round.

A National Treasure

Fort Henry National Historic Site encapsulates Canada’s military past and its enduring commitment to preserving and sharing that history. As a testament to the nation’s heritage, it invites visitors to explore the intricate tapestry of Canada’s military past while enjoying breathtaking views of Kingston.